
Sunday, August 25, 2013

lake days.

I feel the summer slipping away. Slowly, the evenings are getting cooler and the mornings brisker.
In ways, I am happy about this. I'm excited for pumpkins. For leaves. For Halloween....Scarlett will actually be interested in dressing up this year.
I love boots and scarves and the sweet smell of apple cider.

Before Autumn hits us fully, we are soaking up as much summer as we can. I took Scarlett to the lake earlier this week. I am almost positive that I am one of the few parents that can say that bringing my toddler to the beach is relaxing. I was blessed with an easy-going, well-tempered child. I'm not sure if the "terrible twos" have yet to come for this girl but right now she is my little angel. Of course she gets cranky around nap time and she has a temper tantrum here or there, but for the most part, my Scarlett is such a good-spirited girl. She helped me pack up our beach things, she sang along with me as we drove to the lake, and when we got there, she played contently with sand and water. She obeyed me when I told her to share her beach toys with others. Always, when we visit the lake, I reward her with a frozen yogurt pop from the snack bar. We ate lunch together. Well, I ate my sandwich and Scarlett pulled hers apart and stuck the cheese to her legs ;) It was still cute.  At one point, she laid with me on the blankets and told me stories.

I can't say enough how much this little girl impacts me. Her every action.
Today, she noticed that I wasn't feeling well. She said, "I give you a hug, Mama." She hugs me and continues, "I love you Mama. I make you feel better."

Yes, Scarlett, you do make me feel better. I hope that I never forget these little things that she says to me or these fun days that we spend together. I guess if I do, I can come back here to read and remember. Anyways.....our visit to the lake was another wonderful day, sitting in the sun and playing with babies and sand. We always find a baby. I am starting to feel like there are babies everywhere lately and it possibly is giving me a bit....a tiny bit of baby fever. Just like fall, I know the right time will come for that, too.

Lowercase Letters
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. That is one cute baby and I could only imagine how much baby fever he gives you!

  2. Nothing makes us feel better than their unconditional love! I hope you're able to join us for Monday Mingle again by linking up! :)

  3. just reading this post made me feel relaxed. :)
    scarlett is such a doll, lauren...i can see how content she capture the most beautiful moments. you have such a sweet relationship. <3<3

    1. As always Maria, you make me feel so good about being a mother XO motherhood is the best isn't it?!?!?

  4. She's so cute and this post put a big smile on my face. You're so incredibly lucky to have a little girl like her! x

    1. Aww thank you Bekka! You are too sweet xoxoxo I feel SO lucky that I was blessed with her.

  5. very sweet words. very cool photos. baby fever is the worst .lol


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