
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Big Girl Bed.

Dream Catcher: WildFlower
Letter S: Anthropologie

I am not the mother who is eager to rush their children into growing up. I don't force potty training, I was never big on taking a bottle away abruptly or forcing things on my baby. Since having Scarlett, I've learned that all kids develop and grow at their own paces. They all change and adjust in their own time.
I was really slow with switching Scarlett over with anything. I know that when she is ready, she will let me know. For instance, beds. She stayed in her bassinet for quite awhile. When I finally switched her to a mini crib, she stayed in that in our room until she was a year old. Finally, we put her in a crib in her own room. She's been this way up until now. A couple weeks ago, we asked Scarlett if she wanted a big girl bed. When she shouted with delight, "BIG GIRL BED!!", we knew it was time. So instead of buying her a toddler bed, we decided to go straight to a twin bed. Scarlett's been in the 90% for her height since she was a couple of months old. She would most likely outgrow the toddler bed in a year or so and we'd have to buy a twin anyways.

Scarlett's bed went in and I held back tears as her crib went out. I told her to say good-bye to her crib. I thought, maybe if she cried that her crib was leaving, we could keep both beds and she could slowly transition.  But Scarlett smiled and said, "Bye crib!" as she climbed on her stool and up onto her new bed. I guess I was really the one who wasn't ready.

Her little smiling face cheered me up in a matter of minutes. She was thrilled to be sleeping in a big bed like Mamas. She sleeps better in there than her old crib. Sometimes, kids know best ;) My peanut looks so small in that large bed.
Reminding me that she's still my baby.


  1. Awww thats good that u had no problems getting her into a big girl bed. Proud mommy moment.

    So Marie
    Listening Rather then speaking

    1. Yes, It was a relief to know that she transitioned so smoothly. Proud mommy moment for sure!

  2. I love this little bed!! You have it set up so beautifully!! My little bug is 3, and she has her little toddler bed still right besides Mommy's big one...and I'm okay with that! ;)

    1. I would be okay with that, too! What's the rush to make them grow up, right?? ;)

  3. ugh. growing up is so bittersweet! i love the land of cribs...moving to a big bed was always the hardest for me!

    p.s i found your lovely blog from your button on hanna's blog : )

    1. So glad you found me Christina! Land Of Nod is one of my favs, too. :)

  4. I love everything about her new bed/room! So cute!!

  5. I love the dream catcher & the fabric banner. My daughter slept on the floor for a year & 1/2 near her door, when we 1st moved her into her "big girl" bed.

    1. Isn't the dream catcher lovely!?? My friend makes them. Awww, poor little one. Sometimes it takes some adjustment.


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