
Monday, September 16, 2013


We are away. And by the photos above, I'm pretty sure you can guess where we are. All Scarlett has talked about for over a week is "I'm going to see Mickey at Disney and I'm going to give him a big hug." It is the perfect getaway before Scarlett starts school next week. We are really having a wonderful time already! Yesterday, we arrived to our Resort and spent the day in Epcot. Being walking distance to it was a pro. We ate in Mexico, and then spent what was left of the day in the sand bottom pool.

Scarlett was great on the plane. It was her first time flying. She was so excited to "ride on the plane". We had to wake up at 3:30 am to get to Boston in time for our flight. Scarlett was awake from 3:30 am until we took off at 8 am. Needless to say, she didn't see much of the plane ride that she was so excited about. She passed out as soon as we sat down in our seats and she slept the whole way. She did get to watch out the window as we landed though. Everything here is so magical and Scarlett is amazed by it all! Of course I will post photos from our trip when we return. I'm so pumped to be here with my sister and her family enjoying a wonderful vacation!!

Until then, you can see some of our fun and follow along on Instagram:


  1. Oh how fun! Can't wait to see pics! My Scarlet has been begging me to take her to Cinderella's castle, guess it's time to give in!

  2. have a beautiful, magical trip with your beautiful family! <3<3<3 can't wait to read about it and see photos!
    i love scarlett's tropical dress!

  3. So fun!!!!! I know y'all are gonna have a fabulous time. Can't wait to hear more!!!!

  4. Hope you're having a blast! We're Disney bound in a couple weeks!


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