
Saturday, October 12, 2013

When We Were Young.

"Be as adventurous and fearless & courageous as you were when you were young....."
~Lauren Rebecca

When I think back to when I was child, I miss how daring and fearless I was. 
I would catch snakes and hide in the woods and live without hesitation. 
As you get older,
Some of that courage and sparkle starts to dwindle. 
I'm not really sure. But I miss it.

I see Scarlett growing and flourishing. It brings me back to my childhood. 
And I yearn to be that little girl all over again.
No worries.
Just living in the moment and doing what makes me smile. I think there is something magical about children. They don't know all the heartache of this world and thus they live daringly.
I feel like I have forgotten who I was at 4 or 8 or 11. 
Scarlett is my little reminder to try and live like I did when I was young. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing just how much their wonder at the world opens your eyes to things in a completely new way? I love it. You're a great mom :)


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