
Sunday, December 22, 2013

Scarlett in Headbands & A GIVEAWAY.

One of our favorite shops for headbands and cute kids clothes is BowsandSuchByMichelle. 
As you can see, they are super adorable, comfortable and well made. I even contemplated ordering some of these in adult size….In addition to a 15% off code that my readers can use on her shop, (LAURENREBECCA15) Michelle is awesome enough to be giving away a Set of 3 Headbands. (Winner can choose what 3 they would like.)

Bows N Such By Michelle

What Inspired BowsandSuch?  I was inspired to start BowsandSuchbyMichelle because I have 4 kiddos of my own-- 1 boy and 3 girls - and I LOVE sewing for them- I made lots of matching outfits and hair accessories and was always asked to make them for ppl so I decided to give it a shot and here I am :)

Favorite Holiday Tradition?  We love dressing in our Christmas pjs on Christmas Eve and waking up bright and early Christmas morning to eat breakfast - which the kids rush through-lol- and then they get to tear into their gifts!! We don't go all out for Christmas but they each get 1 or 2 gifts- I'm trying to teach gratefulness for what we do have :) (ps - its not easy either-lol)

Best Seller Currently? The best seller right now seems to be the Set of 3 headwraps !!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Scarlett is such a cutie pie! Those headbands are adorable! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. They are all so cute!! I love the Fair Isle Reindeer Leggings, too!

  4. So cute! I'd love to win some of these for my daughter! :)


Thank you for all your comments & kind words!! I reply in the comments section so check back if you have a question :) xo