
Saturday, August 9, 2014


I have never liked gambling. Take me to a casino and you'll find me in the dance club or out by the pool. It just doesn't appeal to me. Maybe it's the fact that I deal with risk all day long. I analyze debt to income (DTI) and Loan to Value (LTV) all day long at work. I see the ins and outs of trends and analysis'. When it comes to my personal or home life, I prefer to stay on the safer side of things.

Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that I've always been like that. I am not much of a gambler. I like to analyze the risk and take the safe road. Ty on the other hand is a dreamer, and he's in for a chance or two. Recently we have come across some opportunity to do something a bit out of our comfort realm and I've been very hesitant to approach it. Over the last few days, I've been contemplating all the pros, cons, worst-case scenarios and best-case scenarios. The fact that we've never done anything like this before is scary in itself. I am very much a realist and I'm conditioned to stay away from anything that I'm unsure of.

But tonight, I've been thinking about the way I view things. I've never taken a huge risk. Well, besides Ty. Which is debatable because in my heart, I knew that he was not a risk. It's rare that I take a path that is unknown and I've decided I need to take a chance. I'm going to trust Ty and go with this. As hard as it may be to step aside and let someone else make a decision, I'm stepping aside and beside him is where I will stay. I mean, You have to live a little. I'm always saying that I hate the same old routine, I like spontaneity. Here Ty is giving me something and I'm shying away? So we are doing it. I said I was ready for some change in this post, and I guess I'm going to get some.

It isn't a packing up and moving across the country type of risk, but it will involve a move….I'm excited and nervous all in one. I'll talk more about this as things get finalized. I'm not one who likes to speak about stuff much until I know for sure it is going to all work out. In the meantime, we are enjoying this busy summer! Nights in the city trying new places, plays in the park, splash pads, ice cream and early mornings in the park. I have to say, we live in a pretty amazing city & we are taking advantage of that this summer.


  1. love your photography skills!!!!

    XoXo Marie
    lets swap ads?

  2. Look at that sweet little girl... <3
    She's getting sooo big... & soooo beautiful...
    just like her mommy ;)


Thank you for all your comments & kind words!! I reply in the comments section so check back if you have a question :) xo