
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Home Tour: Scarlett's Room

Scarlett's room was one of the very first room's that I finished. We moved into our new house the day after coming home from Florida and a week or so before I found out that I was pregnant. 

I didn't have energy to do much with the house besides lay on the couch and wish someone would miraculously come put it all together. That didn't happen. Our house laid empty for quite a while actually. In the very few hours that I did feel somewhat mediocre, I put all of Scarlett's room pieces together in hopes that she wouldn't feel out of place. Knowing that moving is a big transition for kids, I wanted her to feel that she had a stable place to call her own and know that this was her new home. 

Scarlett's new room is much bigger than her old room here. I actually opted to put her into what was the prior owner's home office/guest suite. She has her own bathroom, walk-in closet and a sink/wetbar area. I'm sure she won't appreciate that part of the room for many years ;)  Unfortunately, I then found out I was pregnant and the idea crossed my mind that I may want to switch Scarlett into one of the guest rooms and make this large room the guest suite as it used to be.....I'm sure you can imagine how that turned out. Scarlett refused to let us move a thing. So, if we find out we are having a girl, then they will share a room and we will keep the other two spare bedrooms as guest rooms. If we find out we are having a boy, well then I guess baby brother will have a smaller room and we'll only have one spare guest room. We have family/friends visit a lot which often requires more than one guest room. I guess we'll manage as this family grows.
I took all of these photos with my iphone. One of these days I will start using that Canon...


  1. Its so lovely!!!! Im sure she is going to make many many memories in her new room.

  2. really really pretty, I am on the other side, we are trying to kit Reece's room out for him. The whole place is painted a light grey and on a whim i decided to paint one of his walls red, turned out really really cute and warm. I wonder will you be kitting a boys room or...:)x!


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