
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Pieces Lately.

Oh winter... it's just begun and yet it's been cold for so long. I'm really done with the snow and ice and below freezing temps and the boots and get the point. We have an awesome back yard that I am really looking forward to using this summer. It's a lovely space for entertaining and spending summer days. I've been envisioning summer parties and some new plants/vegetables that I want to try and plant this spring. Unfortunately, we've got awhile before summer. Until nice weather decides to come our way, I've been trying to get some indoor things accomplished. I started an awesome new work-out routine that I am loving. If any of you Mama-to-Be's are looking for a good work-out that doesn't overdo it but still gets you really feeling it, I highly suggest Tracy Anderson, The Pregnancy Project. 
I've found myself also doing a lot of reorganizing of my house. Too much time indoors will do that to you. I have a couple rooms that I want to paint and a few rooms that I need to fill with some furniture. Right now, our dining room is my office. What else do you do with a room that has a table and no chairs? I will most likely turn one of our spare rooms into the baby's nursery. All of these things are on the to-do list for me this winter. I'm hoping to get these things done while we are stuck inside from the negative New York temps. 

My  belly is growing more and more. I can't believe that I am half way through this pregnancy! The time is flying by. I'm enjoying the second trimester and trying to savor these moments since this will most likely be the last time that I will ever be pregnant. It makes me a little sad when I think of it that way. I'm learning that pregnancies can be so different. I've been SO hungry all the time lately. I wasn't like this when I was pregnant with Scarlett. I had a much smaller appetite. This time, I could eat all day long. Because of this, I've filled our house with good stuff. You know, veggies, fruits, lean meats, whole grains and okay....I did buy some chocolate chip cookies but hey, I'm pregnant, I deserve a cookie;)  
For the most part, I've been filling this tummy of mine with healthy things. Recent cravings for me are cherries, cold smoothies and frozen yogurt. I've found some great Smoothie Recipes on Pinterest and they've been keeping my blender busy. I will share some of those recipes this week for those of you that are interested. I've also got a post for belly lotions and oils all ready to go! 

I hope you all have a great weekend! 


  1. Love your hair and you look so great!

  2. Hi Lauren, What are those cute dress up things your daughter is playing with in the bath? I know mine would love something like that. Thanks! Erica

    1. They are bath time dress up waterproof paper dolls. Here is a link to something similar:


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