
Friday, April 3, 2015

Pieces of Life Lately.

Today was 65 degrees. 
That alone made for an amazing day. Most of the photos below were taken over this past week. In fact, I don't think I took a single photo today. I worked and then picked up Scarlett in a hurry so we could get home and play outside for a bit. Now if this weather could just stay. We are more than ready for it. I know some of you are probably chuckling as you read that. After this winter, 65 degrees is like a vacation. I, for one, am really wanting some dress weather. Pants just don't fit as comfortably as they used to and I think some flowy dresses would really be helpful lately. I'm going on 32 weeks here and I just can't believe it! I'm starting to get a little nervous but mostly because I don't have anything ready. I'm hoping to start putting a hospital bag together soon, too. Lately, we've mostly been trying to get outside as much as possible. I'm a broken record when I say that Ty has been working a lot is inevitably the truth.

This past weekend we spent our Sunday together as a family. We went to the bookstore where Scarlett picked out some books. Scarlett is really into books lately and that is quite alright with me. We grabbed some lunch & then came home to watch a movie together. Ty has been a good sport about getting out and doing things with us even though I'm sure he's exhausted from work and still not 100% from being sick last week. I'm surprised that I even have had the energy to want to go out and do things after working a 40 hour week, putting together 3 events, getting ready for a baby and taking care of a toddler. But energy has been my friend thus far and so...I am going with it.
Scarlett is getting really excited about the baby. She makes comments about my "Big Belly" and gets a kick out of watching him poke his feet out of my belly. It's really a totally different experience this time around. Something I'm enjoying experiencing with Scarlett. She's been super loving and cuddly lately. I love it. She is going to be an awesome big sister and I have not one worry that she will be jealous. I can picture her scooping him up and saying, "This is my baby". Even though life is busy (I tend to like it that way), it seems fulfilled and full of good things lately. Anytime that I get this feeling, I soak it up. These are the days I'll cherish. My mood today has been really upbeat and light. Heard this song on the way to work and it set the mood for a good day.
Bailey's Cafe. I'm a little enamored by the ceiling in this place.
Everyday. This one hugging her Baby B. 
 Bookstore scores. 
 Nothing I love more than seeing these two cuddled up next to me.
 Venturing out. 
We've had some rainy days. I've loved them. They have melted the snow.
 One last one of us because I'm just smitten with capturing her and this belly.


Thank you for all your comments & kind words!! I reply in the comments section so check back if you have a question :) xo