On the 4th of July we spent our last weekend with Ty before he left. Scarlett had been asking to go fishing for quite a while so Ty bought the kids some poles, bait and we headed out to a little TX fishing hole. It was a fun day. We didn't catch much. But the experience was what mattered. It brought me back to my old fishing days. Did you know? Yes, I fished quite a bit back in the day. So I had to pull out my fishing tactics and show them all how it was done. Ha ha. I surprised my kids I think. Scarlett surprised me with putting the worm on the hook and waiting for hours for that bite. Maxwell was more interested in the snacks lol.
Anyhow, it was a good day and we enjoyed it. We came home and cooked on the grill, spent some time in the mini pool that we bought for the kids and then relaxed. At night we sat out front of the house and watched the neighborhood fireworks. We even bought a few of our own. It was kind of a bittersweet holiday. Once my favorite holiday was now the last hurrah before Ty went on his way. But these pics stay here on this little space of mine and remind me how much fun we had. These little people of mine are growing so quickly. I'm always trying to figure out how to slow it down.
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