
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Scarlett, Maxwell & Vera Take 11


Scarlett is currently 10. She is the perfect combination of independent but still loves to spend time with her family. She does so well in school!! Honor Role, star student. She is social and makes friends easily. Creative, smart and fun loving. Scarlett is a dream. And she is rarely difficult. God spoiled me with my children. I am having fun doing mommy-daughter days and dates with her. She loves going for pedicures, shopping with me or snuggling up while we read books together or watch Harry Potter, which is what she is all about lately. I can see her starting to transition to pre-teen as she wants to hang with her friends more and more. I try to sneak in as much time with her as possible because it is not slowing down for anyone and I know I will miss my little girl too soon. Scarlett is now playing violin and in Girl Scouts. It's her second year as a Junior. Scarlett also love to help re-decorate her room or pick out outfits. She has a great sense of fashion, not ever wanting to "fit in" with the trends, but using what she loves no matter what anyone thinks. 

Maxwell is 6. He is a combination of Tyler and I in this stage. He has Tyler's fear of things lately. Boats, rides, anything fast moving! And he has my temper. Haha. But that boy is such a lover, too. He will be the one that decides to help me when no one else is. I will be cleaning to music and randomly I will see Maxwell take out a broom and start cleaning with me. When I ask what he's doing, he says, "Helping you". He loves to be heard out. Just like me. It is an injustice if he can't speak on how he is feeling. And I get this to the core. So I am trying my best to listen to him more. He is learning to read more and more and I love to watch him grow. He struggles with reading but he is a math whiz! He is super creative and the things that he paints and draws are really good! Maxwell is a homebody who is content in the small, everyday things. I'd say this is another way he is just like Ty. I love to surprise him with things at home. A new bowl of candy on the mantle will make his day. Or a new pair of pj's to wear holes into will bring a smile to his face. Making him a fun, new snack will bring him joy. I love to add happy little elements to his life. Maxwell teaches me how to be more patient and think about the world in a different way. He is always looking out for his little sister. These 2 are becoming very close. You can find Maxwell dressed up in a superhero outfit at any given moment. And a protector is exactly how I would describe him. My mini Ty. 

Vera is almost 2.  She is my feisty, little comedian. She is going to tell us how it is and still somehow manages to make us smile when she is being a stubborn, do-it myself toddler. She is potty training now. I would say Vera is my most advanced child. The doctor was super impressed with her sentences at a year and a 1/2. I suppose she has 2 other kids to look up to and she watches them on the daily. Vera loves babies and Frozen right now. She just started to get into movies. Frozen, Moana and Encanto are the favs. She is a really good eater and will eat anything that I do. Except mozzarella cheese. ;) Her favorite foods are avocado, pasta, berries and fruit of any sort. Vera is another fun-loving kid. She is really content in anything. Traveling, staying home, playing outside or even snuggling up to watch a movie. Her little personality is starting to come out and I just love watching her become who she is! And her everything!! 

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