Thursday, July 11, 2024

Hello again. Beach Bums in FL.

 It's been a long while since I've put fingers to keys here. So much has gone on since I've posted here months ago. I am excited to catch you all up on where life has brought us over the last year. The blessings, hard moments and everything in between. Looking back over last year, it always surprises me how much can happen in 365 days. We are FINALLY breaking ground on our home build here. We have a teenager. We have added on more gyms. And so much more that I want to document. I have missed writing here. Not just posting photos, but authentically writing and journaling. Life never seems to slow down and I keep telling myself that I'll take time to get this going again. 

Today is the day. 

For now, leaving here my photos of our annual trip to Florida to visit family and get some salt air on our skin! Come back and visit soon! I promise I'll be posting more often :)

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